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 Magic is Returning

The dolphins have come back to Venice. Coyotes, deer and rabbits are showing up in parking lots and neighborhoods. During this strange time, with people so limited in their usual hustling and bustling, displaced creatures are venturing back into our world.

All kinds of displaced creatures are venturing back into our world.

Magical creatures. Fantastical creatures. Creatures the likes of which most people have forgotten, ignored, or never thought to think of between their lattes, commutes, meetings and workouts. They’re coming back.

We here at My Town is Magical, however, have - since forever - been researching, cataloging, studying, documenting and otherwise preparing for just this: The Re-Emergence of Magic in our Towns, and in our Lives. We’re here to help you should Gremlins be stealing your keys; if Trolls are terrorizing your neighborhood; if you have a Hozzle infestation. You might not know what a Hozzle is, or how to get rid of it (or them, depending on how bad the infestation is). We do know. And we can help.

Most importantly: We are looking for reliable, imaginative, creative souls to help us in our efforts. We don’t know every Fantastical creature that has made its way over here. We don’t know what that thing is that’s eating your slippers, or what’s suddenly built its door in the wall of your room. But! We know that you’re clever. We know that you’ve got moxy. Also, panache. And, probably, What It Takes. Document your findings! Tell us of the creatures you find. Tell us of the magical things you witness! Add to our research! Add to the Field Guide! Help us more peaceably and comfortably integrate these Magical Creatures into our reality.

For all inquiries, Findings, Reports, or other communications with us at My Town is Magical, please don’t hesitate to get in touch here with a M.E.R.F. (Magical Encounter Report Form), or simply call it in on our Magical Encounter Report Hotline: 707-789-7957

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About Gio Benedetti

Gio Benedetti is the lead (only) researcher and investigator for My Town is Magical.

He is a Petaluma artist, father, musician, and he loves imagination, books, and coffee.

The artwork you see here on the site is from his collection of field notes from his many excursions to The Fantastical Realms.

For more information or art from Gio Benedetti, you can get in touch here.

You could also visit his art and music website here.