Gateway appears in local youth's wall, Gnomish activity suspected

If you’re following the news stream here at My Town is Magical, you know that just yesterday we had reports of heavy Gnomish activity in the Petaluma area. A gateway was opened by a local Gnome-Enthusiast, and we can only assume that Gnomish activity will increase as a result.


Just today, from Ben Wrightsman, we received the following report:


Dear My Town Is Magical,
Yesterday morning I found a tiny door on my bedroom wall. It is wooden and has engravings of greenery on it. I was interested by it because it was glowing slightly, and as far as I know, non-magical doors don't glow. I immediately took a picture of it to report later. Here it is:

The door that appeared in the wall of Ben Wrightsman’s room.  Photo by Ben Wrightsman.

The door that appeared in the wall of Ben Wrightsman’s room. Photo by Ben Wrightsman.

I had been watching Field Agent Gio's investigations of the Yellow Door, so at first I thought it was that. But it obviously wasn't, so sadly, I kept investigating it. I couldn't pull it off the wall, it seemed like it was glued there. Then I had the idea to open the door. I was so surprised (but I guess I shouldn't have been) when I saw this:

A view between dimensions through the door in Ben Wrightsman’s room.  Photo by Ben Wrightsman.

A view between dimensions through the door in Ben Wrightsman’s room. Photo by Ben Wrightsman.

I quickly took the photo you see above, and then I shut the door and let it be for the rest of the day. Today, I still have no idea what this strange doorway is, or where it goes. It is still stuck to my wall, but it is glowing less. What should I do?
Ben Wrightsman



What should you do?
Try and shrink yourself with a shrinking potion and go explore that mystical dimension! But! Before you go explore the magical, mystical world beyond, send us your leftover potion and directions to the gateway so that we too can traverse the cosmos seeking adventure and the unknown!

If you can’t get a shrinking potion (we’d love to get you one, but we don’t know a reliable potion maker. Not the kind of potion maker we’d be able to recommend without fear of you exploding, shrinking into nothing, or expanding like a giant balloon), there’s only one other thing to do.


Study, observe, record, and document any and all activity surrounding your most magical and incredible door.

Our hypotheses:

  • Your room has been tapped into by a Gnomish wizard (recently emboldened by the opening of the gateway to Gnomeland) and they wish to travel betwixt our realms.

  • Something, somewhere, ordered a personal teleportion portal, and it was (luckily for you) delivered to the wrong address. Namely: your room. (We suggest trying put things you won’t miss through the portal and seeing what happens.)

  • Doors of this same kind have shown up in rooms across the world, as a sinister and as-yet-unknown extra-dimensional-magical threat prepares a full scale invasion of our precious planet. Thankfully, you reported it (while the rest of the world has ignored them, not noticed, continued staring at their phones, etc), and we may have a chance at survival.

We can’t be sure what the case is. One of these three options? Something else we haven’t fathomed?

Only your research and continued vigilance will tell us!

Thank you for the incredible report, Ben. Keep us posted with any and all developments.

All our best,

Gio & My Town is Magical


The Search For The Yellow Door - Part 2/2


Gnomes sighted as local boy opens gateway to Gnomeland