Mysterious hole in door baffles family

Local contributor Teresa sent us the following photograph and the accompanying question:


Thoughts on this door?

A door with a (kinda heart-shaped) hole in it.  Photo by Teresa Lurie

A door with a (kinda heart-shaped) hole in it. Photo by Teresa Lurie


Do we have some thoughts on that door? You bet we do.

Thought 1:
There’s a Digging Berblin right next to your door.

Thought 2:
Digging Berblins love to dig. … through things. Things like doors.

Thought 3:
The Digging Berblin probably (definitely) made the hole in your door.

Thought 4:
You must have a comic book collection.

Thought 5:
We should probably inspect your comic book collection for…. official research purposes.

Thought 6:
I wonder what that Digging Berblin is reading. New “Strange Adventures?” Old episodes of “Sandman?” “Tintin?” “Sentient?”… come to think of it… how is Brian doing down at the comic book shop with his Berblin…

Thought 7:
I should go check up on Brian at the comic book shop. For My Town is Magical. A work-related visit.

Thought 8:
I need to stop writing this news article so I can go get some comics… I mean, do some official work…

Thought 9:
And that about wraps it up! Gotta go! See you. Keep us posted, etc. etc.
Bye now.


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