Ürble Gloorin (or, a Grumpy Dan) found in Pasadena garden

Emerald Jones, Petaluma expatriate, sunflower grower, and current resident in Pasadena, CA, sent in this astounding report:


We have experienced a strange event here in Pasadena with a creature who seems to travel through tall sunflower blooms. He’s been popping out of the top of my tallest sunflower and muttering about how it’s way too hot here and he has to go to the next town. He’s mentioned Penngrove but talks about Petaluma way more. I think he’s planning on going there soon. Please take a look and help the kind people in Petaluma! I hope you can identify this creature before he causes any trouble up there in Petaluma. Keep a close eye on any tall sunflowers.


-Emerald Jones


My goodness gracious.
Emerald, thank you for this report. The sunflower is lovely and remarkable.

The large hatted creature that keeps appearing in your plant? Not so lovely, but, we must admit, equally as remarkable.

He is an Ürble Gloorin - more commonly known as a “Grumpy Dan.”

Grumpy Dans tend to emerge from delightful, beautiful or otherwise lovely things, situations, scenes, or moments in life. They seem to feed on delight and beauty and excrete a rather dour and gloomy negativity. The more powerful and awful specimens of this species have been known to emerge from wedding veils, birthday cakes, or baby bassinets. They are commonly spotted on holiday mornings in the midst of anticipatory glee, and proceed to poop on the party.

We here at My Town Is Magical are sorry to hear that you’ve got one in your Sunflower patch.

The good news (for you) is that it keeps talking about leaving Pasadena.

The bad new (for me) is that it keeps mentioning Petaluma.

Please let us know if there are any developments in this story. Is your Grumpy Dan still there? Has it gone? If it has gone, do you know where it has gone? Has its grumpy nature rubbed off on you at all? Neighbors? Roommates?

Best of luck with everything, and thanks so very much for the report.


The Mysterious Journal of Jonathan Zero, Naturalist


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