Super creepy, yet very small, one-armed man stalking local reporter (HAM suspected)

BREAKING NEWS! Local aware observer (and magic-reporting enthusiast) David Templeton has sent us this disturbing report:

I have noticed a tiny, well-dressed one armed man watching me in numerous locations. Do I have anything to be concerned about?


David also provided the following images:

Egads, David!

As you can plainly see in the photographs above, this small, one-armed, clay-like man is capable and willing to go anywhere, do anything, to keep watch over your doings; your comings and goings; your business; your dealings; your this and that.

We do our very best here at My Town is Magical to refrain from unnecessary alarmist journalism. However, we never shy away from particularly necessary alarmist journalism.

Alarm! Alert! All hands on Deck!

This is a confirmed sighting of a HAM agent. Not a HAM operative, exactly (as most HAM operatives are Humans, as the moniker Humans Against Magic implies), but one of the strange and - paradoxically - magical agents they use in their nefarious service.

David, it is safe to say that any magical dealings, doings, acquaintances, residents, visitors or materials that you have/have seen/have known/live with you/etc. have been compromised.

Our best advice would be to fake your own death, and move to a distant, relatively-untraveled country.

However, times being what they are, we will settle for this: keep your wits and eyes about you at all times. This character may be following you still. This one-armed denizen of anti-magical animus might, even now, be plotting against the recent magical residents of our fair city.

Please protect those magics close to you, keep a bold look out wherever you go, and please oh please keep us posted with any further developments or updates.

Yours in magical solidarity,

Gio & My Town is Magical


The Mysterious Phone Call: Part 1


The Plum Tree Faerie (and The First Passing of the Magickal Journal of Jonathan Zero, Naturalist)