The Case of the Scaly Egg

The following M.E.R.F was sent in by alert citizen, Eliana Hersh on May 17, 2020.

Subject: A huge Scaly egg found on my sidewalk

: Dear My Town Is Magical HQ

I was taking a walk with my dogs yesterday afternoon around 2:40 and I was stopped! I saw a crack in the sidewalk and sure enough, about 4 or 5 feet away from the crack, was a HUGE Scaly egg! I didn’t know what to do with it, so I put it in the bushes and covered it with some leaves and hopefully no one will notice. Today I went and checked on it to make sure nobody had taken it and sure enough, it was still safely rested under the leaves. I NEED your help! What should I do with the egg?

[end message]

At this point we here at My Town is Magical did not have much to go on, so we sent back the following on May 20, 2020:

Dearest Eliana Hersh,

Thank you so much for your M.E.R.F.
We here at My Town is Magical are so glad that you reported this.
It has been several days since you reported.
How are you in the meantime?
Not gobbled up by any huge scaly-things-that-hatch-from-giant-scaly-eggs I hope
We here at My Town is Magical would love to help.
Really, we would.

But we can’t.

You say there was a HUGE scaly egg. You say you put it in the bushes and covered it with leaves, and that it was safe for (approx) 24 hours.
We need to know several things.
Firstly: What does the egg look like and - specifically - is it scaly in a rather beautiful, smooth kind of way (which would be good news for you) or is it scaly in a more spikey, bumpy sort of way (which would be bad, oh my, oh dear, oh so very bad news for you and your town.. maybe state. maybe country.)?

If you could supply us with a drawing of the scaly egg in question, it would be very very helpful.
How big is huge?
you were able to move it… so we are assuming it is at or under 50lbs, and the size (or smaller) of a lamb.

We’d love to know more specifics.

A drawing that showed the egg (even the barest sketch… though color would be very nice…) and maybe showed its size (relative to, say you) would not only be immensely helpful, but would probably end up in our (incomplete and ever-growing) Field Guide on the website.

We are hoping that you still can find the egg under the bushes and leaves.
We are also hoping that it hasn’t hatched into goodness-knows-what and eaten you and everyone in a 10 mile radius.

Holler back when you can, and thank you for contributing your Research to My Town is Magical.

All the best,

Gio & My Town is Magical

We very quickly received the following back from Eliana:

Ellies Egg web.jpg

Thank goodness.

Thank goodness it isn’t a spiky monstrosity that would spell our certain doom!

We’re on the case, and we’ll respond with updates as soon as our resident egg experts examine the evidence.


M.E.R.F. Answering Machine Messages - Episode 1: Don't Call Me Back


The Case of the Digging Berblin - Part 2/2